Grande Vacances


Sweet, sweet family memories were made during our French escape. A lavender-fringed house full of chaotic little cousins, morning discos, relentless rain clouds, swimming pool squealing, morning baguette runs, tasting the sand, first paddles in the ocean, saucepan banging and camping amongst the pines.Read More »

Live love camp

Buddy and bear camping with toddler1. When by Emma Dodd / 2. Play and Go Sack / 3. Buddy and Bear Plate / 4. Ikea highchair / 5. Tiny Cottons Summer Collection (on sale) / 6. Buddy and Bear plastic cups / 7. Twig Creative Camera / 8. Modern Buralap Swaddle / 9. Ragamuffin pennant / 10. Giant swan (obvs)

Adventure awaits. Tomorrow, we’re packing up our little grey car and driving under the sea to France. We’ll spend a week with my family in a great big house and then on for seven days in a tent, just the three of us. Camping with a one year old. Easy. Said no one ever, I’m sure.


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Yesterday we went picking. We harvested great big lung fulls of fresh air and caught sun on our faces (as well as berry juice and mud if you’re Sammy).

Living in the country is something we’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Whilst I’m a city girl through and through, Jon misses the sea and his stories of surfing before school make me long for Sammy to have the same.Read More »


cute first birthday party kawaii bear cake for buddy and bear A year happened Sammy W! A year of you and me and your papa. Hanging out and getting the hang. You’re 13 months already. Well, more like 14. What have I missed? You’re crawling fast and can stand now. We bought your first shoes last week. A 4.5F. You’re a climbing fiend; scaling great heights as soon as my back’s turned. You get upstairs in an instant. Behind your walker you toddle like a drunken cowboy. Can I remember a time before being your mama? Not really. Not properly. Just a time when I thought this would never ever, ever happen. I’d never get one to keep. Read More »

Sammy lately / Seven Months

He’s sitting well now since about six months (‘about’ – I can’t believe I’ve failed at keeping milestone dates already). Whilst he shows no interest in crawling, he’s constantly grabbing my hands to pull himself up on his feet. No teeth yet but he’s eating like his greedy mama. There’s not much he doesn’t like. I make fish pie, stews and casseroles and he chomps them all up. Dessert though, I think he would climb out of his highchair for.Read More »

I am Sammy’s Mummy

Yesterday I had a voicemail from the doctor whilst pushing my sleeping baby round H&M. “Hello” it said, ” This is a message for Samuel’s Mummy”. Woah. I listened to it again and my chest inflated for the millionth time this month with a giant bubble of this-can’t-be-real. That’s me.

It’s been three and a half weeks since our incredible little boy arrived with the dawn chorus. Not a day has passed when I haven’t asked if this is really happening. I’m not going to wake up. He’s ours to keep. He came from nowhere and he’s ours. To keep.Read More »

Due Date!

40 week sausage fingers
40 week sausage fingers

We’ve made it!! Today I am 40+1 weeks. It’s a funny old feeling, playing the waiting game after so long. A definite state of limbo. I want to keep myself busy and take my mind off the fact that Pocky is showing no signs of arriving any time soon. Yet at the same time, I’m exhausted and the thought of doing anything isn’t very appealing. Doh.

There seems to be a pattern. I’ll find my energy one day, go to the shops, do house things and keep busy all day and then the next I’ll be wiped out and incapable of moving. I think I need to find a balance.

Yesterday, 23rd April, the big day when everyone expects the baby to promptly make it’s grand entrance to the world, was a bit of a right off. I don’t know if it’s the hormones or the anticlimax of the day coming round without a peep. I’ve always been convinced that this little bubba will be late; I’m sure it will be well into May before we see its sweetly wrinkled face. With parents like Jonny and I, it’s hardly likely to be the most forthcoming little bean. Why move from the familiar quiet and cosiness of the nest?Read More »

Nine months

It’s been nearly nine months. A long and busy winter has passed and the blossom is in bloom. We’ve prepped and moved into our family nest, we’ve eaten more carbs and chocolate than ever before and we’ve completed the entirety of Breaking Bad. What do we do now? We wait. We enjoy our time together – the calm before the storm. And we finish that nest. Although there are surely no more shelves for Jonny to build.



We found out late last August. Managing to get through five positive pee-sticks before allowing ourselves any amount of confidence in the answer. We stood together in my childhood bedroom, my head on J’s shoulder, squeezing hands and occasionally peeling away to sneak a peek at the emerging line. It was indisputable. Time and time again. Read More »